The most important item- the poo pot! Our poopots are made of heavy duty PP, to keep our prices low and help the environment they are sterilised and reused, so may have some minor scratches or marks from the disinfectant, but they are perfectly usable! The kit contains one pot per horse, this needs to be filled fully to avoid air spoiling the sample and the lid clicked down fully. When placed FLAT in the envelope these pots are thin enough to go through the post as large letter- saving you money!
Each pot slides into a grip seal plastic bag- this needs to be sealed fully to prevent leaks- and the horses name written on the panel provided. Its very important to write your horses name, even if you only bought a one horse kit, as we test in batches of 63!
The bag is included to help protect the jiffy envelope from poo juices (Yuck!).
Grip Seal Sample Bag

Each kit contains one optional disposable glove to wear when picking up your poo samples. Please be aware that supplies of these do vary and they may be made of latex, vinyl or nitrile depending on price, keeping costs down for you- the customer!
Dont want a glove? Click "no" from the drop down menu when ordering your kit.
Please note only 1 glove is supplied in the standard 1-4 kit sizes.
Bulk kits have a ratio of 1 glove per 10 samples ordered.
Disposable Glove

Padded Return Envelope
The samples are returned in a padded jiffy envelope. This comes pre addressed and stamped and can be slid into any UK mailbox- no need to visit the post office. On the back is a space to fill in the date you posted and your sender address, and a checklist to remind you to include everything. The pots need to slide in FLAT in order to go through the post as large letter. You can see we attach post-it notes to each kit reminding customers to pack flat!
If you ordered our bulk kit the return envelope will be a mailing bag rather than a jiffy envelope, with more postage to go as royal mail small parcel first class, and can be slid into any UK mailbox or taken to the post office.

Your kit comes with 3 pieces of paperwork.
Poopost voucher: This needs to be returned with your samples, it contains important information for us such as horse name, worming history, your details to send results to Etc.
Info leaflet: This explains how to use the kit, how to take the ideal sample, an overview of result meanings (Equine) and has our T&Cs on the back.
Covid Posting Guidelines: This little white note is inside the jiffy envelope, and explains the best way to get fresh samples to us during the Covid 19 pandemic & associated lockdowns in the UK.