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How to use our worm count kits:


Using the glove, place fresh dung in the sample pot provided. Remember, fresher is better, You want to start with the freshest possible poo before it enters the postal system!. Tip- Look for the glistening pile/fly covered- that's the newest!


Really squish the poo down and stuff as much as possible into the tub to ensure we have enough to test. Click the snap lid on the pot shut, and slide the pot inside the grip seal bag provided, squeezing excess air to make it as flat as possible.


Write your horses name on the grip bag label and fill in the poopost voucher. be sure to write clearly!


Place the bagged pot inside the envelope, being sure to slide it in so its as flat as possible for postage. If sending multiples, slide carefully side by side making sure they sit the flat way round. The excess air you squeezed out would make this harder- so make sure you really squeeze that air out!


Seal envelope and pop in the post! Any post box will do! Check the testing status on the website first as there's a few dates  that we don’t accept samples on.


Finally- remember this is a time sensitive process- freshest poo possible- post it straight away! Poo that sits in your car for a few days will not give a good result, neither will a dried up old poo from the field!!! Fresh is always best.


Sit back and wait for the results. If you don’t hear anything within 6 days contact us, the post does mess up sometimes, and we will try and figure it out together.


Remember the 3 Fs of potting a poo:





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